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Existing installations

How it works

Most security systems use the same or a very similar wiring architecture and many sensors are compatible with the Tecom Challenger solution. A migration plan can be created to bring existing installations compliant with the latest standards.

TruVision recorders can connect analogue, HDTVI and IP cameras on one network recorder allowing to safeguard the investments made in existing video surveillance systems. This enables the ability to migrate gradually and wisely considering possible budget restraints.

Police departments, fire brigades and municipalities can create their own multi-screen, multi-site selection of cameras from multiple recorders in one convenient overview with the TruVision Navigator software.

The solutions we offer

Standardising on Tecom Challenger offers intrusion and access control integration as a standard solution. Connecting secured sites to the Tecom Management Software unlocks further possibilities including remote management, a comprehensive overview, one single GDPR compliant user database, the required flexibility, and one single training for employees for a variety of buildings and systems. An integrated solution also offers the advantage of having one service and maintenance agreement.


  • Limited training
    A manager or supervisor only needs to be trained on the Tecom Challenger
  • One service provider
    When standardising on the Challenger and TruVision solution, service can be provided by one security partner for all sites with agreed service levels
  • Migration path
    Migration can be planned wisely considering the budget limitations and the investments made in the past
  • GDPR Compliance
    Our products are designed with “Privacy by design” (PbD) in mind to support our end users in their compliance efforts

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